The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which is one of the most sought-after events of our Association, are conducted in two different levels.
Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis; the encounter between psychoanalytical concepts and clinical practice; the multi dimensionality and diversity of theory and fields of practice are explored through primary psychoanalytic texts with theoretical seminars and presentation of case studies. This section of the seminars is open to the participation of everyone who would like to study primary psychoanalytic texts and who are also interested in the practical application of the psychoanalytic approach in their individual or institutional practice. Psychoanalytic theory, defense mechanisms, personality organizations and psychopathology will be discussed in the framework of C. Brenner’s An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis, N. McWilliams’s Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, A. Freud’s The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, R. Perron’s What is Psychoanalysis?, and V. Volkan’s Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded. Additionally, a seminar on neuropsychoanalysis will potentially be added to the program.
The seminars typically take place from October to June.
Structured around presentations and discussions through the active participation of participants who have completed the Introduction to Psychoanalysis Seminars in previous years, this program is open to psychiatric assistants or psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychologists and graduate students in psychology, and psychological counselors who would like to pursue advanced studies in this field. The program, which aims to facilitate an exchange of clinical practice and a discussion of the clinical reflections of theoretical issues, is comprised of case studies.
Recommended volumes for further reading: Sigmund Freud’s Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Interpretation of Dreams, On Metapsychology, and other volumes; Anna Freud’s The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense; Melanie Klein’s Envy and Gratitude, Love, Guilt and Reparation; C. Brenner’s An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis; N. McWilliams’s Psychoanalytic Diagnosis; Roger. Perron’s What is Psychoanalysis?; and Vamık Volkan’s Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded.
All seminars are held in Turkish. If you are interested in attending, please visit the relevant page on our Turkish website: Psikanalize Giriş Seminerleri
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2018-2019
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the eleventh time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2016-2017
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the eleventh time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2015-2016
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2015-2016
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2014-2015
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the seventh time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2013-2014
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the sixth time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2012-2013
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the fifth time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2011-2012
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the fourth time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2010-2011
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the third time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2009-2010
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the second time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2008-2009
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the first time this year, are conducted in two different levels.