March 16, 2013 Saturday 08:30 – 18:30 Istanbul High School Asım Kocabıyık Conference Hall
March 16, 2013 Saturday 08:30 – 18:30 Istanbul High School Asım Kocabıyık Conference Hall
PSYCHOANALYTIC VIEWS 7 "Siblings and Psychoanalysis”
"One of the things I v worked a lot is darkness within us. I m talking about the inner self and its links to Freud and its links to the uncanny, that half known that lurks in the black."
Psike Istanbul Cinema Evenings completed its fourth year in collaboration with Moda Sahnesi. 2014-2015 film discussions were centered on the theme of “The Fires Within.” The sessions that were held once a month on Wednesday evenings included film screenings followed by a discussion of the film through a psychoanalytic perspective with Psike Istanbul member psychoanalysts or psychoanalyst
The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the seventh time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Psychoanalysis: One Theory One Master is once again bringing together one deceased and one contemporary master of psychoanalysis. We will have the opportunity to learn about Melanie Klein, one of the most important psychoanalysts in history who has shaped psychoanalytic theory, from David Bell, one of the contemporary masters of psychoanalysis.
Benjamin Kilborne Full day conference and case study 22 March 2014 Saturday 10.00-16.00 PSİKE İstanbul Şişli– İstanbul
This presentation on maternal states of mind has two interconnected components: considering how the skills developed through the methodology of infant observation, Tavistock Method are particularly relevant for clinical work with pregnant women or new mothers, and the application of these capacities within a clinical case.
The symposium on “Narcissism and Creativity” had been organized on 27 - 28 September 2014 at Galatasaray University Auditorium Ortaköy, İstanbul, Turkey.