‘Maternal States of Mind’, Deborah BLESSING, May 30th 2014

This presentation on maternal states of mind has two interconnected components: considering how the skills developed through the methodology of infant observation, Tavistock Method are particularly relevant for clinical work with pregnant women or new mothers, and the application of these capacities within a clinical case.

PSYCHOANALYTIC VIEWS 8 “Ailing Body: Psychosomatic” (2014)

Freud says, “The ego is first and foremost a bodily ego; it is not merely a surface entity, but is itself the projection of a surface. The ego is ultimately derived from bodily sensations, chiefly from those springing from the surface of the body” and talks about how the physical stimulation or excitement yet without a psychic imprint short-circuits and transforms into impulse.


Psike Istanbul  Cinema Evenings  completed its fifth year in collaboration with Moda Sahnesi. 2015-2016 film discussions were centered on the theme of “One/ An Another.” The sessions that were held once a month on Friday evenings included film screenings followed by a discussion of the film through a psychoanalytic perspective with Psike Istanbul member psychoanalysts

Psychoanalysis: One Theory, One Master – Wilfred BION – Antonino FERRO (2015)

Just as every year, Psychoanalysis: One Theory One Master is once again bringing together two masters of psychoanalysis. We will have the opportunity to learn about Wilfred Bion, one of the most important psychoanalysts in history who has shaped psychoanalytic theory, from Antonino Ferro, one of the contemporary masters of psychoanalysis.


The Future of the School, the School of the Future” Symposium March 28th, 2015