Introductory Seminars to Psychoanalysis 2018-2019

The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the eleventh time this year, are conducted in two different levels.

PSYCHONALYTICAL VIEWS 14C “Uncanny Home/Universe” (2020)

So life was meant to be a foggy and swaying sea that could not be seen even two steps ahead. Sabahattin Ali, The Devil Inside Of Us Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the recent events of this period would be perceived as a nightmare if it were a dream, and seen as an exaggerated science fiction

Psychoanalytic Views 15: Solitude (2021)

As Oruç Aruoba said “Solitude requires practice.” We are inviting you to our online symposium Psychoanalytic Views 15 on December 11-12, 2021 to share our solitary practices during the social isolation and to think about them together psychoanalytically.

Psychoanalysis: One Theory, One Master – Didier Anzieu – Christine Anzieu-Premmereur (2022)

Didier Anzieu has developed his own critical approach of the body in psychoanalysis d uring the seventies, associating Bowlby's view on attachment and the Freudian drives theory. Skin contact, maternal touching and hold ing, all primitive experiences were d escribed as having a fund amental role in the d evelopment of the ego, and linked to adult unconscious functioning.

Dominique Scarfone

The Sexual Drive for Power Abstract: In this work, the author criticizes the sexual drive/destructive drive duality and relies on the fact that one does not encounter any abuse of power that is not connoted by the sexual in the Freudian sense, nor any sexual abuse that is not at the same time an abuse

Psikanaliz ve Edebiyat Buluşmaları – 2

Psike İstanbul Süleyman Nazif Sokak, Park Apt. No: 13/12 Kat: 4 Valikonağı- Şişli –İstanbul, İstanbul, Türkiye

Edebiyatla psikanaliz arasındaki çok yönlü ilişkiyi irdelemek amacıyla başlattığımız Psikanaliz ve Edebiyat Buluşmaları toplantılarının ikincisinde estetik çatışma kavramına odaklanıyoruz. Kayıt için:…malari-2-kayit-2/