Born on April 21, 1955, in Istanbul. From Mardin. Graduated from the Department of Theater at Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography. First appearing in various magazines and newspapers with his articles and poems, the author’s first book was Mahmud and Yezida, published in 1980. Known mostly for his poems, stories, novels and plays, Mungan also wrote radio plays, film scripts and song lyrics. He compiled a special selection from his twenty years of work in various fields in Murathan ’95. He prepared selections in which he brought together stories and essays from world literature; he compiled various writings and essays into books. After the 13+1 collection, which included all the poetry books he published before 2000, he published 7 Mühür in 2002, which contained seven stories in a box as seven booklets. Elli Parça, published in 2005 as a special edition prepared for his “fiftieth birthday”, contained different types of pieces from Mungan’s files that would be published as books in the future. He collected poems and stories selected from his various books in anthologies such as Doğduğum Yüzyıla Veda, Doğu Sarayı, İskambil Destesi, each prepared with a different context in mind. The book LiRojhilatêDilêMin / Kalbimin Doğusunda, which brings together his poems translated into Kurdish, was published in Turkish-Kurdish in two languages. He prepared contextual anthologies shaped with the contributions of various writers such as Bir Dersim Hikâyesi, Merhaba Asker and Kadınlar Arasında. His last novel 995 km was published in 2023. All his works that he compiled into books are published as a collection by Metis Publications.
Between Hiding and Calling String, Timbre, Tone
I do not conduct live interviews by reading a previously prepared written text, but by looking at the notes I have taken on the subject and the reminder titles related to the theme with an improvised flow. It will be the same this time. I am participating in this symposium because I have been concerned with the subject of “sound” for years, with myself and my identity, because I give it special importance in my works as a writer, and because I think I have things to say based on many years of observation and experience in the context of cultural sociology. I am planning to conduct a speech that starts from social life, life, myself, art, literature, all kinds of sounds and the ways we relate to music.