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PSYCHOANALYTIC VIEWS 5 ‘Paternal Function’ (2011)

10 December 2011 @ 08:30 - 11 December 2011 @ 17:00


“Paternal Function”
10 – 11 December 2011, Istanbul
Bosphorus University Cultural Center
Albert Long Hall (South Campus)

December 10th, Saturday 8.30-9.00 Registration
09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony
09:30-11:00 Panel Discussion: The Place of the Father in Psychoanalytic Theories
Berrak Ciğeroğlu “Femininity Phase in Melanie Klein’s Theory: The
Paternal Function on the Road from Object Change to Symbolization
Nilüfer Erdem “Primal Fantasies and the Paternal Function”
Sezai Halifeoğlu “Father’s Alpha Function”
Discussant: Bella Habip “The Father at the Backstage: Winnicott and his Work”
Moderator: Gülgün Alptekin

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 Conference Florence Guignard “Father, Who Are You? The Paternal
Function and the Discovery of the Other”
Moderator: Yavuz Erten

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:00 Conference Jacques Dufour “The Power of the Word. Lies and Truths:
Lacan and Bion”
Moderator: Pınar Limnili
15:00-16:00 Conference Lourdes Villafana “The Use of the Creative Process as a
Strategy to Survive in Prison”
Moderator: Leyla Tanoğlu
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:00 DVD Presentation
17.00-18.30 Workshop 1 – Florence Guignard and Jacques Dufour
Workshop 2 – David Millar
Workshop 3 – Aydan Özdağlar

December 11th, Sunday
09:30-10:30 Conference David Millar “The Paternal Function in the Transference
and Counter-transference”
Moderator: Ayla Yazıcı

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Panel Discussion
Güler Fişek “Types of Paternal Function, Modes of Fatherhood:
What Research Tells Us”
Yavuz Erten “The Paternal Function – The Maternal Uncle
Function: ‘Boys Resemble their Uncles…’ ”
M. Işıl Ertüzün “The Paternal Function in the Context of Infertility
and Supportive Productive Treatments”
Melis Tanık Sivri “Sworn Virgins: The Paternal Function and the
Repudiation of Femininity”Moderator: Işın Sayın

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:00 Conference Aydan Özdağlar “ ‘I cannot think of any need in childhood as
strong as the need for a father’s protection’ (Freud, 1930:
Civilization and its Discontents)”
Discussant: Elif Ülkü Gürışık
Moderator: Nilgün Taşkıntuna

15:00-16:15 Panel
Refhan Balkan “Fathers: Are they Restricting or Freeing?”
Nayla De Coster “The Paternal Funcion in the Mourning Work of a
Patient who has a ‘Dead Mother’ Complex”
Sibel Mercan “Thirst for Obedience: On Mario Puzo’s Novel ‘The
Godfather’ ”
Moderator: Mine Özgüroğlu

16:15-16:30 Closing Speech

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 Concert Daniel Viglietti

Scientific Committee
Bella Habip
Mine Özgüroğlu
Melis Tanik
Ayla Yazici
Organazing Committee
Sezai Halifeoğlu
Aslı Day
Yasemin Halifeoğlu
Gökhan Oral
Mine Özgüroğlu
Nilgün Taşkıntuna


10 December 2011 @ 08:30
11 December 2011 @ 17:00
Event Category: