The “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, which will be organized by our Association for the seventh time this year, are conducted in two different levels.
Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis; the encounter between psychoanalytical concepts and clinical practice; the multi dimensionality and diversity of theory and fields of practice are explored through primary psychoanalytic texts with theoretical seminars and presentation of case studies. This section of the seminars is open to the participation of everyone who would like to study primary psychoanalytic texts and who are also interested in the practical application of the psychoanalytic approach in their individual or institutional practice. Psychoanalytic theory, defense mechanisms, personality organizations and psychopathology will be discussed in the framework of C. Brenner’s An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis, N. McWilliams’s Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, A. Freud’s The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, R. Perron’s What is Psychoanalysis?, and V. Volkan’s Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded. Additionally, a seminar on neuropsychoanalysis will potentially be added to the program.
The seminars will take place between October 2015 – June 2016.
Sessions will be held bimonthly on Mondays between 20.00 and 22.00.
SECOND STEP: Case Studies
Structured around presentations and discussions through the active participation of participants who have completed the Introduction to Psychoanalysis Seminars in previous years, this program is open to psychiatric assistants or psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychologists and graduate students in psychology, and psychological counselors who would like to pursue advanced studies in this field. The program, which aims to facilitate an exchange of clinical practice and a discussion of the clinical reflections of theoretical issues, is comprised of case studies.
Recommended volumes for further reading: Sigmund Freud’s Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Interpretation of Dreams, On Metapsychology, and other volumes; Anna Freud’s The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense; Melanie Klein’s Envy and Gratitude, Love, Guilt and Reparation; C. Brenner’s An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis; N. McWilliams’s Psychoanalytic Diagnosis; Roger. Perron’s What is Psychoanalysis?; and Vamık Volkan’s Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded.
The seminars will take place between October 2015 – May 2016.
Sessions will be held bimonthly on Fridays between 20.00 and 22.00.
Adress: Psike İstanbul Merkezi
Süleyman Nazif Sokak, Park Apt. No: 5/12 Kat: 4 Valikonağı – Şişli -İstanbul www.psikeistanbul.org
Program and registration information are available in the announcement bulletin below.
Program dates are subject to change.Please check our website for updates before the seminar.
Charles Brenner
October 12th, Monday
Opening Seminar
Mine Özmen
Psychoanalysis from Freud to the Present Day
October 19th Monday
Pınar Limnili Özeren
Two Fundamental Hypotheses and Drives (Chapters 1 and 2)
November 2nd, Monday
Ümit Eren Yurtsever
Psychic Apparatus (Chapter 3)
November 16th, Monday
Yavuz Erten
Psychic Apparatus (Chapter 4 and 5)
November 30th, Monday
Irem Anlı
December 14th, Monday
Işın Sayın Tamerk
Parapraxes and Wit (Chapter 6)
December 28th. Monday
Yeşim Can
Dreams (Chapter 7)
January 11th, Monday
Sibel Mercan
Psychopathology (Chapter 8)
Program dates are subject to change.Please check our website for updates before the seminar.
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Anna Freud, Melanie Klein
January 18th, Monday
Sevil Kural
Theory of Defense Mechanisms
Avoiding Objective Unpleasure and Objective Danger e.g. A. Freud
February 29th, Monday
Sevil Kural
Primitive (Primary) and Secondary (Higher Order) Defenses
Nancy McWilliams
March 14th, Monday
Özden Terbaş
Introduction to Kleinian Theory, Paranoid-Schioid Position, Depressive Position and Border Position
March 28th, Monday
Türkay Demir
The Setting
April 11th, Monday
Gökhan Oral
April 25th, Monday
Refhan Balkan
Therapeutic Alliance
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Nancy McWilliams
May 9th, Monday
Işın Sayın Tamerk
Stages of Personality Development Neurosis, Neurotic Character and Psychosis Neurotic, Borderline and Psychotic Spectrum
Program dates are subject to change.Please check our website for updates before the seminar.
May 23th, Monday
İrem Anlı
Schizoid Phenomena (Post Kleinians)
June 6th, Monday
Yeşim Korkut
Borderline-Narcissistic Personality
Sociopathic Personality
June 2t0h, Monday
Aslı Day
Hysteric-Histrionic Personality
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
Following the application process, the proposals for case study presentations will be reviewed and participants will be put in touch with trainers for presentations
October 16th, Friday
Gülgün Alptekin
October 23rd,Friday
Işıl Vahip
November 20th, Friday
Özden Terbaş
December 4th, Friday
Yavuz Erten
December 18th, Friday
Sevil Kural
January 1st, Friday
Mine Özmen
January 15th, Friday
Mine Özgüroğlu
January 29th, Friday
Yeşim Korkut
February 12th, Friday
Yeşim Can
Program dates are subject to change.Please check our website for updates before the seminar.
March 4th, Friday
Melis Tanık
March18th, Friday
Işın Sayın
April 1st, Friday
Sibel Mercan
April 15th, Friday
Pınar Limnili Özeren
May 6th, Friday
Türkay Demir
May 20th, Friday
Refhan Balkan
Participation in Introduction to Psychoanalysis Seminars: Open to everyone.
Participation in Second Step: Case Studies: Open to psychiatric assistants or psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychologists and graduate students in psychology, and psychological counsellors.
Registration Fees for Introduction to Psychoanalysis Students and assistants: 750 TL Others: 950 TL
Registration Fees for Second Step: Case Studies
Students and assistants: 580 TL Others: 700 TL
Registration fees have to be paid in advance and cannot be paid instalments. The registration fee is non-refundable.
We kindly request you to deposit the registration fee to İstanbul Psychoanalytic Association for Training,
Research and Development (İstanbul Psikanaliz Eğitim, Araştırma ve Geliştirme Derneği) bank account at Garanti Bank Nişantaşı Branch, Account no 132/6295204,
IBAN TR68 0006 2000 1320 0006 2952 04.
Please fax the bank deposit receipt and Registration Form to +90 212 224 10 03.
You may also email your registration form to psikeistanbul@gmail.com. In this case, please send the Registration Form as an attachment and indicate the bank deposit number in the inline text along with the name of branch where the payment was made.
Please make sure the bank receipt includes your name and the name of the seminar you are registering for.
Program dates are subject to change.Please check our website for updates before the seminar.
Name …………………………………………….. Last Name ……………………………………………….
Occupation: c Psychologist c Psychiatrist c Psychological Counselor c Social Worker c Student/Assistant
Seminar you are applying for: c Introduction to Psychoanalysis c Second Step: Case Studies
Institution of current employment and/or education: ……………………………………………
Telephone: ………………………………………….. email:…………………………………
For your applications and further information www.psikeistanbul.org