The first year of Psike Istanbul Cinema Evenings focused on films that are considered modern mythic phenomena, and sought to trace the unconscious in the fantasies of the director, the depths of the characters and in each individual “encounter between the subjectivities of the film and the spectator.” In the diverse program, which consisted of 21 films, internationally renowned directors of North American, European, North African and Asian cinema were studied through their classical or contemporary psychoanalytic interpretations, meanings and associations.

Cinema Evenings: The Piano Teacher
The first film we are going to view/work through is The Piano Teacher (2001) directed by Michael Haneke.
Date: November 3rd, 2010
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussants: Nayla De Coster and Özden Terbaş

Cinema Evenings: Les Choristes
The second film we are going to view/work through is Les Choristes (2004) directed by Christophe Barratier.
Date: November 10th, 2010
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Leyla Tanoğlu

Cinema Evenings: Castle in the Sky
The third film we are going to view/work through is Castle in the Sky (1986) directed by Hayao Myazaki.
Date: November 24th, 2010
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Ümit Eren Yurtsever

Cinema Evenings: A Serious Man
The forth film we are going to view/work through is A Serious Man (2009) directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen.
Date: December 15th, 2010
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Gökmen Tokgöz

Cinema Evenings: A Short Film About Love
The fifth film we are going to view/work through is A Short Film About Love (1989) directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski.
Date: December 22nd, 2010
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Özden Terbaş
Cinema Evenings: The Wall
The sixth film we are going to view/work through is The Wall (1982) directed by Alan Parker.
Date: January 26th, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Gökhan Oral

Cinema Evenings: The Life and Death of Peter Sellers
The seventh film we are going to view/work through is The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004) directed by Stephen Hopkins.
Date: February 2nd, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Yavuz Erten
Cinema Evenings: Death in Venice
The eighth film we are going to view/work through is Death in Venice (1971) directed by Luchino Visconti.
Date: February 9th, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Gökhan Oral

Cinema Evenings: Antichrist
The ninth film we are going to view/work through is Antichrist (2009) directed by Lars Von Trier.
Date: February 16th, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussants: Özden Terbaş and Yavuz Erten
Cinema Evenings: Cache
The tenth film we are going to view/work through is Caché (2005) directed by Lars Von Trier.
Date: February 23rd, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Ümit Eren Yurtsever

Cinema Evenings: Big Fish
The eleventh film we are going to view/work through is Big Fish (2003) directed by Tim Burton.
Date: March 2nd, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Gökmen Tokgöz

Cinema Evenings: The Reader
The twelfth film we are going to view/work through is The Reader (2008) directed by Stephen Daldry.
Date: March 9th, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Nayla De Coster
Cinema Evenings: Paris Texas
The thirteenth film we are going to view/work through is Paris Texas (1984) directed by Wim Wenders.
Date:March 16th, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussant: Gülgün Alptekin
Cinema Evenings: Precious
The fourteenth film we are going to view/work through is Precious (2009) directed by Lee Daniels.
Date:March 23rd, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussants: Yavuz Erten and Sezai Halifeoğlu
Cinema Evenings: Wild Strawberries
The fifteenth film we are going to view/work through is Wild Strawberries (1957) directed by Ingmar Bergman.
Date:April 13th, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Berrak Ciğeroğlu

Cinema Evenings: Dogtooth
The sixteenth film we are going to view/work through is Dogtooth (2009) directed by Yorgos Lanthimos.
Date:April 20th, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussant: Nilüfer Erdem
Cinema Evenings: Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces
The seventeenth film we are going to view/work through is Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces (1995) directed by Férid Boughedir.
Date:April 27th, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussant: Özden Terbaş
Cinema Evenings: Dorian Gray
The eigtheenth film we are going to view/work through is Dorian Gray (2009) directed by Oliver Parker.
Date:May 11th, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussant: Sibel Mercan
Cinema Evenings: Character
The nineteenth film we are going to view/work through is Character (1997) directed by Mike Van Diem.
Date:June 1st, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussants: Yavuz Erten and Gökmen Tokgöz
Cinema Evenings: Kirschblüten
The twentieth film we are going to view/work through is Kirschblüten (2008) directed by Doris Dörrie.
Date:June 8th, 2011
Place:Psike İstanbul
Discussant: Işın Sayın Tamerk

Cinema Evenings: Stromboli, Terra di Dio
The twenty first film we are going to view/work through is Stromboli, Terra di Dio (1950) directed by Roberto Rossellini.
Date: June 15th, 2011
Place: Psike İstanbul
Time: 20:15
Discussant: Nilüfer Erdem